Today is World Bipolar Day – the birthday of Vincent Van Gogh, who was posthumously diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The vision of World Bipolar Day (WBD) is to bring world awareness to bipolar disorders and eliminate social stigma.

Bipolar disorder is a common mental health-related issue. It’s nobody’s fault, but it can be treated. 

For more information on BPD, please visit the United Brain Association’s resource on BPD by clicking here:

To read the Brain Stories of Julie and Steph, both dealing with BPD on their own terms, please click here:

For additional information on BPD and psychoeducation, please click on our blog here:

For information on Bipolar Disorder and over 360 recognized brain and mental health-related issues and disorders, please visit The United Brain Association: We raise funds to support education and research into treatment and cures. If you can, please donate.

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The United Brain Association – No Mind Left Behind

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