March 29th is National Vietnam War Memorial Day. On this day, The United Brain Association recognizes the valor and patriotism demonstrated by our Vietnam Veterans, not just in their military service, but also in their follow-up campaign to return to the world.

We are fortunate to have our veterans who give up their families, their friends, and even themselves to stand up for their country. We thank them for their service, their sacrifice, and for the part(s) of them unable to return afterward.

The United States military lost 58,220 servicemen and women in the Vietnam War from November 1, 1955, through April 30, 1975. Those losses do not include the mental anguish and emotional scars borne by our troops, from the first sound of gunfire to the everyday sounds we hear today.

As we recognize this day, please take time to Thank a Veteran – their sacrifices may never be fully appreciated by those who haven’t served, but our thanks and recognition can really make a difference.

The United Brain Association supports education and research into over 600 brain and mental health-related issues and disorders. Of particular relevance on this day are UBA’s resources on the following topics affecting our veterans:


SSGT Bill Baker’s Brain Story:

SSGT Bill Baker’s Video:



Major Don Robinson, MD’s Brain Story:

Major Don Robinson, MD’s Video:


These are only a few of the neurological and psychological issues facing our veterans. Please recognize their service, their sacrifice, and their suffering as you carry on your daily lives.

If you’d like to receive updates and news from The United Brain Association straight to your inbox, please subscribe to our newsletter here. If you’d like to help us fund life-changing education and research into over 600 brain and mental health-related issues and disorders, please donate here. At the United Brain Association, NO MIND IS LEFT BEHIND!

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