Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is an addiction to alcohol that significantly impacts the user and those around them.

Individuals with AUD have difficulty moderating or stopping their drinking, and if untreated, AUD can be fatal.

What Causes Alcohol Use Disorder?

The causes of AUD are multifaceted, involving both genetic and environmental factors. Mental health conditions often co-occur with AUD. While the exact cause is debated, focusing on responsibility and treatment is more productive than attributing blame.

Is Alcohol Use Disorder Hereditary?

There are numerous genetic factors that can increase the risk of developing AUD, and environmental influences such as family habits also play a significant role. 

How Is Alcohol Use Disorder Detected?

Signs can include heavy or frequent drinking, even when it causes problems and this behavior can be associated with feeling the need to drink the following morning or day. Some people with AUD will also spend a large amount of time looking for, thinking about, and consuming alcohol. AUD can develop at any life stage, regardless of social status.

How Is Alcohol Use Disorder Diagnosed?

Diagnosis typically involves a medical and psychiatric evaluation. Some individuals can hide their addiction, which poses further challenges.

How Is Alcohol Use Disorder Treated?

Treatments include rehabilitation programs, psychotherapy, counseling, and medications for managing cravings. Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) can be effective.

How Does Alcohol Use Disorder Progress?

AUD is a progressive disease requiring increasing amounts of alcohol over time to achieve the same effects. Without treatment, it leads to severe health consequences and often death.

How Do I Prevent Alcohol Use Disorder?

Awareness and early intervention can help mitigate its effects.

Alcohol Use Disorder Caregiver Tips

Caring for someone with AUD is challenging and support groups like Al-Anon can offer valuable assistance. Many individuals with AUD also suffer from co-morbid mental health disorders, necessitating a comprehensive treatment approach.

Alcohol Use Disorder Brain Science and Research

Current research includes clinical trials exploring new treatments, such as the use of psilocybin for AUD. Supporting this research through donations can aid in finding more effective treatments.


1. Mayo Clinic: Mayo Clinic - Alcohol use disorder

2. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA): NIAAA - Alcohol Use Disorder

3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): CDC - Alcohol Use

4. American Psychiatric Association (APA): APA - Alcohol Use Disorder

5. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): Alcoholics Anonymous

6. Al-Anon Family Groups: Al-Anon Family Groups

7. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA): NIDA - Alcohol

These sources provide comprehensive information on alcohol use disorder, including its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.